After several busy weeks preparing for Thanksgivingand the ASDAN Business Simulation Competition, it has been nice getting backinto a regular routine of teaching and learning. The 10th and 11th grade
Baishan AWS - New for 2020-2021As Heraclitus the Greek Philosopher said: There is nothing permanent except change. If there's one key word that encapsulates the magic of 2020, it's Change! The
Qingdao Baishan School, the first private school in Shandong Province, was founded by Ms. Baishan Zhang
After 27 years of continuous efforts, Baishan School is now part of an education group
Baishan School boasts more than 650 students from Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12 and 180 teachers and staff
A wide variety of programmes ensures that no matter what the goals and interests are, students will be able to achieve self-realization and true potential.